Page 6 - Thermal Spray - Hi-Tech Compressor
P. 6

The HVOF coatings
                                                                                 GOULD PUMP BEARING HOUSING
            PLASMA:                                                                                                                         HVOF: (HIGH VELOCITY OXYGEN FUEL)                                         produced by using
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sulzer  Metco’s Hybrid
              The plasma spray process (non-transferred arc)                                                                                  The HVOF process combusts oxygen and one of a select                    Diamond Jet System
              uses inert gases fed past an electrode inducing                                                                                 group of ignitable gases (propylene). Although the HVOF                 and HVOF powders
              the “plasma” state of the gases. When the gases                                                                                 system uses the basic principles of combustion, the spray               exhibit the following
              exit the nozzle of the gun apparatus and return to                                                                              gun is designed di erently than the standard oxy-fuel                  attributes:
              their normal state, a tremendous amount of heat is                                                                              spray. The HVOF gun di erences produce higher  ame
              released. A powdered coating material is injected                         PUMP HOUSING                                          temperatures and higher velocities. The result is more                  ►   Excellent wear resistance
              into the plasma “ ame” and propelled onto the                                                                                  thoroughly melted powder and more kinetic energy avail-                   for extended longevity
              substrate. Typical coating materials include ceram-                                                                             able to “ atten” the molten particles of coating material.               of many costly parts and
              ics (chrome oxide, aluminum oxide, zirconia and                                                                                 The HVOF process produces superior bond strength (cur-                    components that are
              titania). The gas temperature range is typically 30,000                                                                         rently tested at 13,765 psi average) and coating density.                 exposed to harsh service
              – 60,000°F with our 1,000 amp recti er and a  particle                                                                         Typical coating materials include tungsten carbides. The
              velocity range of 800 – 1,800 fps.                                                                                              gas temperature range is typically 6,000°F with a particle              ►   Superior micro hard-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ness compared to other
                                                                                                                                              velocity range of 2,400 – 3,200 fps.                                      thermal spray technolo-

                                                                                  STEAM TURBINE SEAL JOURNAL                                                                                                            gies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ►   High adhesion to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the substrate - bond
                                                                                The principle of plasma spray-                                                                                                          strength of some coat-
             Plasma gas +  current                                              ing is shown schematically to                                                                                                           ings exceeds 83 MPa
                               Water-cooler anode                               the left. A high frequency arc                                                                                                          (12,000 PSI)
                   Cathode                                                      is ignited between an anode
                                                           Coating              and a tungsten cathode. The                                                                                                           ►   High density with low
                                                                                gas  owing through between                                                                                                             porosity
                                                                                the electrodes (i.e., He, H2, N2                                                                                                      ►   Low residual stress and
                                                                                or mixtures) is ionized such                                                                                                            fewer impurities than
                                                                                that a plasma plume several                                                                                                             low velocity combustion
                                                                                centimeters in length devel-                                                                                                            thermal spray
                                                                                ops. The temperature within
                                                                                the plume can reach as high                                                                                                           ►   High thickness limits
                                                                                as 16,000° K. The spray mate-                                                                                                           - greater than 6.3 mm
                                                                                rial is injected as a powder                                                                                                            (0.250”)
                                                                                outside of the gun nozzle into                                                                                                        ►   Excellent machinability/
                                       Powder port      Workpiece               the plasma plume, where it is                                                                                                           surface  nishing.
                   Insulator                                                    melted, and hurled by the gas
                                                                                onto the substrate surface.

                                                      RIVER WATER
                        PUMP SHAFT                 STRAINER W/ SHAFT                CONVEYOR ROLLERS                                    PISTON ROD OD GRINDING                      B E F O R E                        A F T E R
                                                                                                                                                                                   POWER CYLINDER HEAD – GASKET SURFACE
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